The Never-Ending Style Debate

I’m still alive. Still drawing. But I have to admit—I really should update my blog more often.

It’s not that I have nothing to say; in fact, it’s quite the opposite. With everything happening in the world, I often find myself overwhelmed with thoughts, but I struggle to express them without sound grumpy. Most of the time, I write and rewrite a thousand words, only to decide not to post them. The internet already has enough negativity, and I’d rather contribute something more positive.

Today, while browsing Pinterest, I was surprised to see one of my own drawings pinned there. ( see image below the comments screenshot ) Pinterest has always been a great source of inspiration for me (though lately, it's been increasingly flooded with AI generated art, which is frustrating). To my surprise, there were comments under my artwork—Some accused me of copying another artist’s style and claiming it as my own, while others defended me. Here’s a screenshot, though I’ve removed everyone’s IDs.

First and foremost, I’m genuinely happy that people are engaging with my work at all. I don’t update often, but I read every comment, and they mean a lot to me. However, being accused of copying isn’t fair. If those critics had simply clicked on the link, they would have seen that the drawing originated from this post, where I clearly stated that it was a study of Ivan Bilibin’s style. Unfortunately, content on the internet often loses its original context when shared as isolated snapshots. I tried to reply directly on Pinterest, but for some reason, my comment wouldn’t post. So, I’m writing my response here instead:

Dear Internet,

It’s always interesting to see discussions about the ethics of "copying an art style," especially when it comes to my own work. I appreciate the conversation, and I’d like to clarify a few things.

First, I want to address the “copy” concern—I did, in fact, credit Ivan Bilibin in my art blog. The purpose of this particular drawing was to study his style, to understand how and why he made certain artistic choices. However, Bilibin is not my only influence in this piece, many other artists have inspired me as well. I took inspirations from Celtic bible book illustration, Edmund Dulac’s water colour painting and many more.

I also have to agree with other’s comment—this is how artists learn and develop their own styles. Since I never claimed to have invented this unique approach, as that would be absurd. No artist creates in a vacuum; we all learn by studying others. When I was younger, I was amazed by how distinct certain artists’ styles seemed. But after drawing for over 20 years, I now recognize different stylistic influences in every piece of art I see, some are subtle some obvious. This understanding comes with experience, and it’s a natural and accepted part of artistic growth. However this does not make the artwork a “copy”.

Think of it like music—you can compose your own jazz piece, but that doesn’t mean you’re "copying" jazz itself. You’re working within a tradition, following its principles while bringing in your own voice. The same applies to visual art. Even Ivan Bilibin developed his signature style by studying medieval Russian folk art.

Critique like this does feels a bit harsh to me, but I truly appreciate you sharing your thoughts. If you're interested, you're welcome to visit my website to see how my style has evolved over the years. The study of Bilibin’s work has played a role in my growth, but it has ultimately helped me develop something uniquely my own - for now - It will keep involve in the future I’m quite sure.

If you'd like, I’d be happy to share a list of artists who have inspired me! Inspiration is a beautiful, endless cycle, and I believe it’s something to be celebrated. Thanks again for engaging in this discussion!

Lastly, this whole event has made me consider compiling a list of the artists who have constantly inspired me. It would be interesting to reflect on how far I’ve come and how none of us create in isolation.

Edward Hopper
Shaun Tan
Jon McNaught
René Magritte
Yoshitomo Nara

These are my major inspirational artists. I consider them my teachers—not only in drawing but also in how to think, feel, and express emotions when words are not enough. They have taught me what it means to live and work as an artist.

Michael Sowa
Jean Giraud
Masaru Fujimoto
Yoshiyuki Sadamoto
Hisanori Yoshida
Tin Can Forest
Mike Mignola
Chun Eunsil

These artists have primarily influenced my drawing style. I have studied their techniques closely, learning everything from rendering light and shadow to the smallest details. Of course, all the unknown folk artists from around the world, along with Mother Nature, are my endless sources of inspiration.

Book cover Design for The Patron Thief of Bread

Last year, I was contacted by the U.S. independent publisher CandleWick Press about designing the book cover for Lindsay Eagar’s new title: The Patron Thief of Bread. The commission includes a full coloured flat jacket ( they would like to see 3 drafts first ) and four interregional boarder designs in black and white for each chapter. I finally received the book from the publisher this week and it looks amazing in hand! I so decided to share my design approach with anyone who is interested in the making.

Research & Sketches

In the very beginning I've been given the full manuscript from the author, which doesn’t always happen. Most of the time the agency or author will provide you a summary of the story but in this case it was really helpful for me to have a over all grasp of the mood, world setting and the plot.

The Patron Thief of Bread is a story about tale of love, self-discovery, and what it means to be rescued, through the difficult orphan life of an eight-year-old girl named Duck, who was raised by a roving band of street urchins, one day found herself unexpectedly had become a patron thief in the bakery. The story takes place in a little town with an abandoned cathedral ruin ( with gargoyles on the top) adjacent to a winding river in medieval-era rural France. The town is small but bustling, with marketplaces, stores, and the bakery where the story takes place.

The initial drawing is shown below. I started by experimenting with all the elements Lindsay asked me to include for the cover. I like the gargoyle on the back, but the composition of the front half just doesn't seem as intriguing as it could be.

For the 2nd draft, a birds-eye view of the town as seen from the top of the cathedral ruin, with Duck standing on top of it, I opened the image after moving the gargoyle portion to the front cover. This version immediately felt more dynamic and interesting. I nearly feel like the wind is blowing in the scene because of the slanted angel and the birds. Even while I liked this second draft, it still seemed like our eyes were simply following Duck into the book spine and stopping there. Readers typically only glance at the front cover at first, so I'll need something to help them lock the glazing.

The monologue of the gargoyle in the book was written in a beautiful style that gave me an enteral sense of sorrow. Years after years, it stood by itself, all by itself, watching the passing of the mortals and longing for the things that were no longer there for it. I really love this folklore story-telling style, I was wondering how can I convey this feeling with drawings.

So I did more research at this point, looking for a solution to make the book cover less straightforward about the content and more expressive of the feeling. Something that makes reader wonder. It happened to me a few days ago I saw a collection of movie poster designs by Olly Moss. The double exposure design, which combined the essential elements of a movie with iconic scenery within the shape, really inspired me.

So in the 3rd draft, instead of giving Duck a face, I drew a silhouette of her to frame the town and surroundings. I hope the suggestiveness will provide the young readers enough information on the protagonist while still leaving room for their imagination, making it easier for them to relate to her story.

A few years ago, while developing my indie game LUNA, I also grew to love the ancient / mediaeval manuscript border designs, apparently this illustration was seen by people from CandleWick Press and that’s why they contact me at the first place. So I thought it could be great to add a beautiful border to the cover to give it a hint of the mediaeval era. I also broke up the layers with the birds, keeping the back cover with simply a quiet morning image of the town and bakery, and used a more vibrant twilight colour palette for the front, when the sun was setting and the town, rivers, and gargoyle were illuminated. As a result, this is how the 3rd draft looked.

Finalize & Detailing

It was a relief that later, when the author and art director Matt Roeser both chose the third design, we all adored the style and, with more assistance from Lindsay, she gave me the pieces that might be used in the border. The same concept also guided the placement of seasonal objects and story-related items in the header of each chapter. The challenging part was over, and this was when the fun started!

A detailed illustration needs a lot of references, in this case, anything from gargoyle design to French medieval town architecture. It’s funny that I used to think that all illustrators just KNEW how to draw everything from memory and that using references was somehow cheating? But turns out I was an idiot and everybody uses reference. References are crucial if you want to improve your drawing skills. Here are some of the sources I consulted to finish the illustration.

The final cover was completed after some tweaking and adjusting. Even though they initially appear to be there only for decoration, I adore how each object on the border refers to a specific section of the story. I hope the reader will understand what each of them refers to when they close the book's cover after finishing it.

Overall I really enjoyed the whole process and appreciated having the opportunity to design for this wonderful book. I’d be really happy if you might find anything usefully in this blog. It’s out and you can find it where you usually shop books! Happy reading!

Window with a View

Image by Jim Higham

Image by Jim Higham

Last summer, I brought my friends to visit Canterbury, one of my favourite town in England. Sadly at that time due to the recent lock down, the whole town was still shrouded in the gloom of the epidemic. Also it was a shame that they didn’t get to see the magnificent Christchurch gate ( image left ) due to its construction work. In the town centre, some shops were been emptied, some were permanently closed down. The few that still open were clearly struggling because of the lacking of tourists. It was really quiet but not the peaceful kind, there’s an unsettle feeling lingering in the air.

It was very sad for me because I often think about the time I spend there. In July 2003, I arrived the U.K. all by myself, attending a summer language course in Canterbury before join in the University. 18 yrs old me was full of energy, curious and optimised about the future. Ironically, it was when the Chaos of SARS ( the more deadly version of Coivd) had just went away back in China, who would have possibly thought that the world will change forever this time.

I remembered the streets were always full of life, shop buzzing with business, people sitting outside the cafes and restaurants. Me and my classmates would explore the town almost everyday, running on the cobble stone road and finding secret path to sneak into the cathedral. We spoke broken English but were having the time of our life, now all these feels like a million years ago. To me, there’s just something magical about this place, it had put a charm on my since day one.

It was the 2nd day of my arrival, I woke up early due to the jet lag, the morning sun just raised, the whole accommodation was quiet. Having nothing to do, I went to the communal kitchen searching for food. Then suddenly I heard a sound quite unusual, it took me a few sec to realized it was a church bell ringing from not afar. Although I’ve never heard a real church bell rang before, it still brought me a sense of odd familiarly and comfort.

I looked out of the window, it was a bright summer day. The people of the town not yet awake, no cars on the street, a postman walked around the corner and there was a cat crouching in the shade of an oak tree. Parts of an ancient city wall weaving inside out among the town houses, tree branch’s gently dancing in the wind with seagulls hovering overhead, crying loudly. The bell continued to ring. Not far behind the rows of old red brick rooftops and chimneys, I saw, suddenly an magnificent gothic cathedral rises from the ground, it’s many spikes shot into the heaven, reflecting the golden sunshine.

It was the first time I had seen such grand architecture, together with the bell and the town, everything felt just like came straight from a fairy tale story. Although I've seen sceneries like this from films and cartoons, but when it was right in front of my eyes, the surreal-ness still took my breath away.

I wondered for how many centuries, this view has remained unchanged. I thought about all the travellers from the past, who had come from far and wide to make the pilgrimage here. They might had also heard the same church bell rang, looked out of the window of their inn, and gasped by the same glorious view of the cathedral. But they were long gone, so how strange we could be connected like this, crossed time and space, sharing the same awestruck moment of tranquillity.

In couple of decades, I too will be gone. My thoughts, my deeds and everything that once made me, will cease to exist. Finally when those who once remembered me also gradually passes away, my existence will be completely erased from this world. People came and went, again and again. But the cathedral will still stand, like the anchor of time, a witness of changes. As a foreigner alone in a foreign land, I don’t know why can this moment feel so nostalgic.

Until today, I still don’t have an answer to this question. I only know it’s a moment in my life that I can never forget. I painted it down because it carries more than what any words can say.